Friday, February 18, 2011

log: C:\Documents and Settings\Isma\Escritorio\investigacion\Bishop\regresions_24_1_0
> 9.log
log type: text
opened on: 24 Jan 2009, 19:13:57

. set mem 400m

Current memory allocation

current memory usage
settable value description (1M = 1024k)
set maxvar 5000 max. variables allowed 1.733M
set memory 400M max. data space 400.000M
set matsize 400 max. RHS vars in models 1.254M

. use "C:\Documents and Settings\Isma\Escritorio\investigacion\bishop\domees1995.dta", clear

. append using "C:\Documents and Settings\Isma\Escritorio\investigacion\bishop\domees2002.dta
> ", clear
option clear not allowed

. append using "C:\Documents and Settings\Isma\Escritorio\investigacion\bishop\domees2002.dta
> "
ordenemp was long now double
ordentra was byte now float
ccaa was byte now float
cnae was byte now float
convenio was byte now float
gender was byte now float
fulltime was byte now float
contract was byte now float
vaclabor was byte now float
vacnatur was byte now float
salbase was long now double
factor was float now double
dhombre was byte now float
dccaa1 was byte now float
dccaa2 was byte now float
dccaa3 was byte now float
dccaa4 was byte now float
dccaa5 was byte now float
dccaa6 was byte now float
dccaa7 was byte now float
dccaa8 was byte now float
dccaa9 was byte now float
dccaa10 was byte now float
dccaa11 was byte now float
dccaa12 was byte now float
dccaa13 was byte now float
dccaa14 was byte now float
dccaa16 was byte now float
dccaa17 was byte now float
dccaa18 was byte now float
dccaa15 was byte now float
dcnae10 was byte now float
dcnae14 was byte now float
dcnae15 was byte now float
dcnae17 was byte now float
dcnae18 was byte now float
dcnae19 was byte now float
dcnae20 was byte now float
dcnae21 was byte now float
dcnae22 was byte now float
dcnae24 was byte now float
dcnae25 was byte now float
dcnae26 was byte now float
dcnae27 was byte now float
dcnae28 was byte now float
dcnae29 was byte now float
dcnae31 was byte now float
dcnae32 was byte now float
dcnae33 was byte now float
dcnae34 was byte now float
dcnae35 was byte now float
dcnae36 was byte now float
dcnae40 was byte now float
dcnae41 was byte now float
dcnae45 was byte now float
dcnae50 was byte now float
dcnae51 was byte now float
dcnae52 was byte now float
dcnae55 was byte now float
dcnae60 was byte now float
dcnae61 was byte now float
dcnae63 was byte now float
dcnae64 was byte now float
dcnae65 was byte now float
dcnae66 was byte now float
dcnae67 was byte now float
dcnae70 was byte now float
dcnae71 was byte now float
dcnae72 was byte now float
dcnae74 was byte now float
temp1 was byte now float
temp2 was byte now float
temp3 was byte now float
temp4 was byte now float
temp5 was byte now float
dconvemp was byte now float
dconvnac was byte now float
dconvpro was byte now float
dconvotr was byte now float
edad was byte now float
docpeon was byte now float
doctprod was byte now float
doctadmi was byte now float
doctecni was byte now float
docdiplom was byte now float
doctitul was byte now float
docgeren was byte now float
dtitestprim was byte now float
dtitdiplom was byte now float
dtitdoctor was byte now float
antigued was byte now float
antig2 was int now float
dcontinde was byte now float
dconttemp was byte now float
djorncomp was byte now float
dtitsecund1 was byte now float
dtitsecund2 was byte now float
dtitfp1 was byte now float
dtitfp2 was byte now float
dtitlicenc was byte now float
horas was int now float

. capture noi do C:\Documents and settings\Isma\Escritorio\investigacion\Bishop\"
file C:\ not found

. capture noi do "C:\Documents and settings\Isma\Escritorio\investigacion\Bishop\
> "

. *!version 1.3 13apr2005
. * version 1.2 02sep2002
. * version 1.1 30auf2002
. * version 1.0 22aug2002
. *! Ben Jann, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
. program define decompose, rclass
decompose already defined

end of do-file

. capture noi do "C:\Documents and settings\Isma\Escritorio\investigacion\Bishop\create_vars_

. capture program drop create_vars02

. program create_vars02
1. **** create experience range
. capture drop exp_range01
2. gen exp_range01 = 1 if exp <= 10
3. replace exp_range01 = 2 if exp >= 11 & exp <=15
4. replace exp_range01 = 3 if exp >= 16 & exp <= 20
5. replace exp_range01 = 4 if exp >= 21 & exp <= 25
6. replace exp_range01 = 5 if exp >= 26 & exp <= 30
7. replace exp_range01 = 6 if exp >= 31 & exp <= 35
8. replace exp_range01 = 7 if exp >= 36 & exp <= 40
9. replace exp_range01 = 8 if exp >= 41
10. label define exp_range01_lab 1 "<=10" 2 "11-15" 3 "16-20" 4 "21-25" 5 "26-30" 6 "31-35
> " 7 "36-40" 8 "41+"
11. label values exp_range01 exp_range01_lab
12. end

end of do-file

. capture noi do "C:\Documents and settings\Isma\Escritorio\investigacion\Bishop\p20071002_Sp
file C:\Documents and
> do.txt not found

. ***** calculate eff01 for each year
. dis "*** frontier for 1995"
*** frontier for 1995

. capture drop eff01_1995

. cap noi frontier lnearnings exp exp2 years_education dccaa1 dccaa2 dccaa3 dccaa4 dccaa5 dcc
> aa6 dccaa7 dccaa8 dccaa9 dccaa10 dccaa11 dccaa12 dccaa14 dccaa15 dccaa16 dccaa17 if year ==
> 1995, d(e)

Iteration 0: log likelihood = -94971.644
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -94837.932
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -94837.247
Iteration 3: log likelihood = -94837.247

Stoc. frontier normal/exponential model Number of obs = 155889
Wald chi2(19) = 92384.54
Log likelihood = -94837.247 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

lnearnings | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
exp | .0538409 .0003883 138.64 0.000 .0530798 .0546021
exp2 | -.0006229 7.30e-06 -85.28 0.000 -.0006372 -.0006085
years_educ~n | .0891915 .0003681 242.29 0.000 .08847 .089913
dccaa1 | -.1080515 .0048593 -22.24 0.000 -.1175756 -.0985274
dccaa2 | -.1122918 .0058039 -19.35 0.000 -.1236671 -.1009164
dccaa3 | -.1704396 .0066292 -25.71 0.000 -.1834326 -.1574466
dccaa4 | -.1936373 .0069928 -27.69 0.000 -.207343 -.1799317
dccaa5 | -.2011 .0059923 -33.56 0.000 -.2128447 -.1893552
dccaa6 | -.2320002 .0079669 -29.12 0.000 -.247615 -.2163855
dccaa7 | -.1845918 .0059774 -30.88 0.000 -.1963072 -.1728764
dccaa8 | -.1540885 .0054472 -28.29 0.000 -.1647649 -.1434121
dccaa9 | -.0055727 .004291 -1.30 0.194 -.0139829 .0028375
dccaa10 | -.1374252 .0048954 -28.07 0.000 -.14702 -.1278304
dccaa11 | -.3205811 .0080907 -39.62 0.000 -.3364386 -.3047237
dccaa12 | -.2668994 .0054532 -48.94 0.000 -.2775874 -.2562113
dccaa14 | -.2670388 .0065673 -40.66 0.000 -.2799105 -.2541671
dccaa15 | -.0900923 .0066221 -13.60 0.000 -.1030713 -.0771133
dccaa16 | -.0061448 .0051718 -1.19 0.235 -.0162814 .0039917
dccaa17 | -.2367772 .0082403 -28.73 0.000 -.2529278 -.2206266
_cons | 8.106179 .0072834 1112.97 0.000 8.091904 8.120455
/lnsig2v | -1.939277 .0055386 -350.14 0.000 -1.950133 -1.928422
/lnsig2u | -2.894593 .0151827 -190.65 0.000 -2.924351 -2.864835
sigma_v | .3792201 .0010502 .3771673 .381284
sigma_u | .2352053 .0017855 .2317316 .238731
sigma2 | .1991294 .0007837 .1975934 .2006654
lambda | .6202343 .002515 .615305 .6251635
Likelihood-ratio test of sigma_u=0: chibar2(01) = 5.8e+03Prob>=chibar2 = 0.000

. predict eff01_1995 if e(sample), te
(107961 missing values generated)

. dis "*** frontier for 2002"
*** frontier for 2002

. capture drop eff01_2002

. cap noi frontier lnearnings exp exp2 years_education dccaa1 dccaa2 dccaa3 dccaa4 dccaa5 dcc
> aa6 dccaa7 dccaa8 dccaa9 dccaa10 dccaa11 dccaa12 dccaa14 dccaa15 dccaa16 dccaa17 if year ==
> 2002, d(e)

Iteration 0: log likelihood = -80221.395
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -77506.747
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -77467.084
Iteration 3: log likelihood = -77467.072
Iteration 4: log likelihood = -77467.072

Stoc. frontier normal/exponential model Number of obs = 107961
Wald chi2(19) = 46407.34
Log likelihood = -77467.072 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000

lnearnings | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
exp | .0400875 .0004979 80.52 0.000 .0391118 .0410633
exp2 | -.0004714 9.84e-06 -47.88 0.000 -.0004907 -.0004521
years_educ~n | .0828603 .0004547 182.22 0.000 .0819691 .0837516
dccaa1 | -.0437908 .0062405 -7.02 0.000 -.056022 -.0315596
dccaa2 | -.0081929 .0077023 -1.06 0.287 -.0232891 .0069034
dccaa3 | -.1192912 .0089778 -13.29 0.000 -.1368873 -.1016951
dccaa4 | -.0860364 .0086242 -9.98 0.000 -.1029395 -.0691334
dccaa5 | -.1300893 .0078582 -16.55 0.000 -.1454912 -.1146875
dccaa6 | -.1750118 .0112321 -15.58 0.000 -.1970262 -.1529974
dccaa7 | -.1532549 .0077769 -19.71 0.000 -.1684974 -.1380124
dccaa8 | -.1085074 .0074431 -14.58 0.000 -.1230955 -.0939192
dccaa9 | .0470452 .0053872 8.73 0.000 .0364865 .057604
dccaa10 | -.0750533 .0058642 -12.80 0.000 -.0865469 -.0635597
dccaa11 | -.3355754 .0101334 -33.12 0.000 -.3554365 -.3157143
dccaa12 | -.1676174 .0069728 -24.04 0.000 -.1812839 -.1539509
dccaa14 | -.2092331 .0083186 -25.15 0.000 -.2255373 -.1929288
dccaa15 | -.0160167 .0095039 -1.69 0.092 -.034644 .0026105
dccaa16 | .0517266 .0072659 7.12 0.000 .0374857 .0659676
dccaa17 | -.1495521 .0106639 -14.02 0.000 -.170453 -.1286512
_cons | 8.379966 .0088934 942.27 0.000 8.362536 8.397397
/lnsig2v | -2.039825 .0071685 -284.55 0.000 -2.053875 -2.025775
/lnsig2u | -2.037024 .0117175 -173.84 0.000 -2.05999 -2.014058
sigma_v | .3606264 .0012926 .3581019 .3631688
sigma_u | .3611319 .0021158 .3570088 .3653027
sigma2 | .2604677 .0014144 .2576955 .2632398
lambda | 1.001402 .0029083 .9957015 1.007102
Likelihood-ratio test of sigma_u=0: chibar2(01) = 1.6e+04Prob>=chibar2 = 0.000

. predict eff01_2002 if e(sample), te
(155889 missing values generated)

. *** one efficiency for both years
. capture noisily gen eff01 = eff01_1995 if year == 1995
(107961 missing values generated)

. capture noisily replace eff01 = eff01_2002 if year == 2002
(107961 real changes made)

. cap noi sort year

. cap noi by year: tabstat eff01, by(gender) stat(mean sem sd min p50 max)

-> year = 1995

Summary for variables: eff01
by categories of: gender (SEXO)

gender | mean se(mean) sd min p50 max
1 | .8224368 .0002154 .0745441 .0296835 .8362579 .9594862
6 | .7718414 .0006115 .1162987 .0253353 .8008245 .9473615
Total | .8106968 .0002246 .0886674 .0253353 .8291287 .9594862

-> year = 2002

Summary for variables: eff01
by categories of: gender (SEXO)

gender | mean se(mean) sd min p50 max
1 | .7736977 .000382 .1042068 .0073027 .7933649 .9571698
6 | .6602608 .0009828 .1800493 .0105439 .7122257 .9512009
Total | .7384366 .0004338 .142537 .0073027 .7738941 .9571698

. **** create experience variable for above and below mean
. **** -> note, for this the program needs to load "utilties" program above
. cap noi create_vars01
unrecognized command: create_vars01

. cap noi create_vars02
(217366 missing values generated)
(40288 real changes made)
(37042 real changes made)
(34227 real changes made)
(32388 real changes made)
(27649 real changes made)
(21458 real changes made)
(24314 real changes made)

. *----------------------------------------------------------------*
. **** regressions ************************
. *----------------------------------------------------------------*
. dis "**** earnings equation in 1995 without efficiency ****"
**** earnings equation in 1995 without efficiency ****

. cap noi reg lnearnings exp exp2 years_education dccaa1 dccaa2 dccaa3 dccaa4 dccaa5 dccaa6 d
> ccaa7 dccaa8 dccaa9 dccaa10 dccaa11 dccaa12 dccaa14 dccaa15 dccaa16 dccaa17 if year == 1995

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 155889
-------------+------------------------------ F( 19,155869) = 4330.74
Model | 16880.7703 19 888.461596 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 31976.9155869 .205152404 R-squared = 0.3455
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.3454
Total | 48857.6703155888 .313415211 Root MSE = .45294

lnearnings | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
exp | .0534889 .0004009 133.42 0.000 .0527031 .0542747
exp2 | -.0006289 7.55e-06 -83.26 0.000 -.0006437 -.0006141
years_educ~n | .0867053 .0003819 227.03 0.000 .0859568 .0874539
dccaa1 | -.1031342 .0050238 -20.53 0.000 -.1129807 -.0932876
dccaa2 | -.1069752 .0060062 -17.81 0.000 -.1187472 -.0952032
dccaa3 | -.1651897 .0068655 -24.06 0.000 -.1786459 -.1517334
dccaa4 | -.1812127 .0072687 -24.93 0.000 -.1954592 -.1669661
dccaa5 | -.2031576 .0061747 -32.90 0.000 -.2152598 -.1910554
dccaa6 | -.2161573 .0082969 -26.05 0.000 -.2324191 -.1998955
dccaa7 | -.1807723 .0062017 -29.15 0.000 -.1929275 -.168617
dccaa8 | -.1469851 .0056419 -26.05 0.000 -.1580431 -.1359272
dccaa9 | -.0015524 .0044265 -0.35 0.726 -.0102283 .0071235
dccaa10 | -.1255985 .0050713 -24.77 0.000 -.1355381 -.1156589
dccaa11 | -.3182702 .0083828 -37.97 0.000 -.3347004 -.3018401
dccaa12 | -.2544856 .0056526 -45.02 0.000 -.2655647 -.2434066
dccaa14 | -.2616854 .0068164 -38.39 0.000 -.2750454 -.2483255
dccaa15 | -.0729323 .0068918 -10.58 0.000 -.08644 -.0594246
dccaa16 | .0080731 .005359 1.51 0.132 -.0024306 .0185767
dccaa17 | -.2196374 .0086116 -25.50 0.000 -.236516 -.2027588
_cons | 7.899163 .0074284 1063.37 0.000 7.884603 7.913722

. dis "**** earnings equation in 1995 with efficiency efficiency ****"
**** earnings equation in 1995 with efficiency efficiency ****

. cap noi reg lnearnings exp exp2 years_education dccaa1 dccaa2 dccaa3 dccaa4 dccaa5 dccaa6 d
> ccaa7 dccaa8 dccaa9 dccaa10 dccaa11 dccaa12 dccaa14 dccaa15 dccaa16 dccaa17 eff01 if year =
> = 1995

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 155889
-------------+------------------------------ F( 20,155868) =69147.22
Model | 43908.8233 20 2195.44117 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 4948.84701155868 .031750244 R-squared = 0.8987
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.8987
Total | 48857.6703155888 .313415211 Root MSE = .17819

lnearnings | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
exp | .054646 .0001577 346.46 0.000 .0543369 .0549552
exp2 | -.0006193 2.97e-06 -208.40 0.000 -.0006251 -.0006135
years_educ~n | .093509 .0001504 621.63 0.000 .0932142 .0938038
dccaa1 | -.1197491 .0019765 -60.59 0.000 -.1236229 -.1158753
dccaa2 | -.1243049 .0023629 -52.61 0.000 -.1289362 -.1196737
dccaa3 | -.1835382 .002701 -67.95 0.000 -.1888321 -.1782444
dccaa4 | -.2151716 .0028598 -75.24 0.000 -.2207767 -.2095666
dccaa5 | -.1979361 .0024291 -81.48 0.000 -.2026971 -.193175
dccaa6 | -.2583967 .0032643 -79.16 0.000 -.2647947 -.2519987
dccaa7 | -.1989237 .0024398 -81.53 0.000 -.2037057 -.1941416
dccaa8 | -.170767 .0022197 -76.93 0.000 -.1751175 -.1664165
dccaa9 | -.0132428 .0017414 -7.60 0.000 -.016656 -.0098296
dccaa10 | -.1583271 .0019954 -79.35 0.000 -.162238 -.1544163
dccaa11 | -.3276589 .0032978 -99.36 0.000 -.3341225 -.3211952
dccaa12 | -.2861394 .002224 -128.66 0.000 -.2904985 -.2817804
dccaa14 | -.280911 .0026816 -104.75 0.000 -.2861669 -.275655
dccaa15 | -.1180983 .0027117 -43.55 0.000 -.1234131 -.1127834
dccaa16 | -.0308301 .0021087 -14.62 0.000 -.034963 -.0266971
dccaa17 | -.2679444 .0033882 -79.08 0.000 -.2745853 -.2613036
eff01 | 4.706144 .0051007 922.64 0.000 4.696147 4.716141
_cons | 4.008428 .0051306 781.28 0.000 3.998372 4.018484

. dis "**** earnings equation in 2002 without efficiency ****"
**** earnings equation in 2002 without efficiency ****

. cap noi reg lnearnings exp exp2 years_education dccaa1 dccaa2 dccaa3 dccaa4 dccaa5 dccaa6 d
> ccaa7 dccaa8 dccaa9 dccaa10 dccaa11 dccaa12 dccaa14 dccaa15 dccaa16 dccaa17 if year == 2002

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 107961
-------------+------------------------------ F( 19,107941) = 1656.22
Model | 9001.67465 19 473.77235 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 30877.2412107941 .286056653 R-squared = 0.2257
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.2256
Total | 39878.9158107960 .36938603 Root MSE = .53484

lnearnings | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
exp | .0389737 .0005658 68.89 0.000 .0378648 .0400825
exp2 | -.0004932 .0000112 -44.15 0.000 -.0005151 -.0004713
years_educ~n | .0813671 .0005299 153.56 0.000 .0803285 .0824056
dccaa1 | -.0238511 .0070778 -3.37 0.001 -.0377235 -.0099787
dccaa2 | .0198404 .0087784 2.26 0.024 .0026348 .0370459
dccaa3 | -.0934062 .0102482 -9.11 0.000 -.1134926 -.0733198
dccaa4 | -.0513159 .009904 -5.18 0.000 -.0707277 -.0319041
dccaa5 | -.0938962 .008954 -10.49 0.000 -.111446 -.0763464
dccaa6 | -.1205357 .013005 -9.27 0.000 -.1460253 -.0950462
dccaa7 | -.1271952 .0088987 -14.29 0.000 -.1446365 -.1097539
dccaa8 | -.084931 .0084761 -10.02 0.000 -.1015442 -.0683179
dccaa9 | .0744349 .0061002 12.20 0.000 .0624786 .0863912
dccaa10 | -.035093 .0066682 -5.26 0.000 -.0481626 -.0220233
dccaa11 | -.3286895 .0116194 -28.29 0.000 -.3514634 -.3059156
dccaa12 | -.1363801 .0079331 -17.19 0.000 -.1519289 -.1208314
dccaa14 | -.1996405 .0094834 -21.05 0.000 -.2182278 -.1810532
dccaa15 | .0109228 .0109596 1.00 0.319 -.0105579 .0324036
dccaa16 | .0994827 .0083251 11.95 0.000 .0831657 .1157997
dccaa17 | -.1244066 .0123203 -10.10 0.000 -.1485543 -.100259
_cons | 8.044656 .0101786 790.35 0.000 8.024706 8.064606

. dis "**** earnings equation in 2002 with efficiency efficiency ****"
**** earnings equation in 2002 with efficiency efficiency ****

. cap noi reg lnearnings exp exp2 years_education dccaa1 dccaa2 dccaa3 dccaa4 dccaa5 dccaa6 d
> ccaa7 dccaa8 dccaa9 dccaa10 dccaa11 dccaa12 dccaa14 dccaa15 dccaa16 dccaa17 eff01 if year =
> = 2002

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 107961
-------------+------------------------------ F( 20,107940) =84095.23
Model | 37473.9415 20 1873.69708 Prob > F = 0.0000
Residual | 2404.97429107940 .022280659 R-squared = 0.9397
-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.9397
Total | 39878.9158107960 .36938603 Root MSE = .14927

lnearnings | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
exp | .0416915 .0001579 264.02 0.000 .041382 .042001
exp2 | -.0004796 3.12e-06 -153.81 0.000 -.0004857 -.0004735
years_educ~n | .0862721 .0001479 583.15 0.000 .0859822 .0865621
dccaa1 | -.057145 .0019755 -28.93 0.000 -.0610171 -.053273
dccaa2 | -.0297008 .0024503 -12.12 0.000 -.0345034 -.0248982
dccaa3 | -.1391852 .0028604 -48.66 0.000 -.1447916 -.1335788
dccaa4 | -.1154229 .0027647 -41.75 0.000 -.1208416 -.1100042
dccaa5 | -.1445175 .0024993 -57.82 0.000 -.1494162 -.1396188
dccaa6 | -.2063356 .0036303 -56.84 0.000 -.2134509 -.1992203
dccaa7 | -.1739636 .0024838 -70.04 0.000 -.1788319 -.1690953
dccaa8 | -.1275626 .0023659 -53.92 0.000 -.1321996 -.1229255
dccaa9 | .030184 .0017029 17.72 0.000 .0268463 .0335217
dccaa10 | -.1003748 .0018619 -53.91 0.000 -.1040241 -.0967255
dccaa11 | -.3595996 .0032429 -110.89 0.000 -.3659557 -.3532435
dccaa12 | -.1866912 .0022145 -84.31 0.000 -.1910316 -.1823509
dccaa14 | -.2206292 .0026467 -83.36 0.000 -.2258167 -.2154416
dccaa15 | -.0499895 .0030592 -16.34 0.000 -.0559854 -.0439936
dccaa16 | .0215727 .0023244 9.28 0.000 .0170169 .0261286
dccaa17 | -.1832105 .0034388 -53.28 0.000 -.1899506 -.1764705
eff01 | 3.614805 .0031977 1130.44 0.000 3.608538 3.621073
_cons | 5.306302 .0037333 1421.34 0.000 5.298985 5.313619

. cap noi log close
log: C:\Documents and Settings\Isma\Escritorio\investigacion\Bishop\regresions_24_1_0
> 9.log
log type: text
closed on: 24 Jan 2009, 19:19:17